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Hidden Beauty House

At Urban Landscapes Omaha, we take pride in helping our clients transform their outdoor spaces into stunning havens. In this case study, we share the remarkable journey of a customer who inherited an overgrown landscape when purchasing her house. With just a few days of dedicated work, our team at Urban Landscapes Omaha was able to unveil the true beauty of her home, providing a fresh start for future landscaping endeavors. Join us as we explore this captivating transformation and discover the surprises along the way!

Before Shots

Unveiling Hidden Beauty

When our customer first approached us, she faced a landscape overrun with unruly bushes and volunteer trees. The existing vegetation had grown unchecked, obscuring the true potential of her home’s exterior. Urban Landscapes Omaha recognized the opportunity to restore the landscape’s beauty and create a welcoming ambiance for the homeowner and visitors alike.

Clearing the Overgrowth

Our experienced team embarked on a diligent process of removing and hauling out the overgrown vegetation. With skillful precision, we cleared the area to reveal the underlying charm of the property. By removing the obstacles, we laid the groundwork for a fresh start and an inspiring landscape transformation.

Establishing a Foundation

To enhance the aesthetic appeal and create a framework for future landscaping, Urban Landscapes Omaha introduced a simple mulch bed around the foundation of the house. This not only provided a neat and polished look but also acted as a blank canvas for the homeowner’s future landscaping ideas. By setting up the foundation, we laid the groundwork for an exciting and personalized outdoor space.

Unexpected Discoveries

During the transformation process, a delightful surprise awaited the homeowner. We stumbled upon a hidden cistern, a forgotten treasure hidden beneath the overgrowth. The homeowner, unaware of its existence, was thrilled to discover this hidden gem. Urban Landscapes Omaha recognized the significance of this find and assisted the homeowner in restoring and repurposing the cistern, adding an element of intrigue and history to the landscape.

The transformation of this overgrown landscape into a beautiful outdoor space stands as a testament to the expertise and dedication of Urban Landscapes Omaha. With our meticulous approach, we cleared the clutter and revealed the true beauty of the property. Through the establishment of a mulch bed and the discovery of a hidden cistern, we created the foundation for the homeowner’s future landscaping dreams.

If you find yourself facing a similar challenge with an overgrown landscape, Urban Landscapes Omaha is here to assist you. Let us unveil the hidden beauty of your outdoor space and create a haven that surpasses your expectations. Contact us today to embark on your very own landscape transformation journey!

After Shots